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Empowering women to discover their unique gifts so they can walk boldly in their God given purpose.

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Meet Prophetess Lena 

After 15 years of hard work discovering, wandering, and rebuilding my spirit, work ethic and most importantly my mind. I now help others discover, unlock, and walk in the fullness of who they are in every area of their life. After having my first child at 21 years old, my most life changing discovery was my "WHY". I had a deeper revelation and understanding that life was bigger than me. I spent a lot of time seeking, cultivating, my identity. That drove me on a journey of purpose. Through many hardships such as being a young mom, divorce, life redirections. I can now stand tall as an open book willing and ready to be read. Learn from and apply the many life lessons and tools I found very helpful to me and my process. As a wife, mother of 3, actress, producer, youth pastor, designer, and empowerment coach I now understand the unlimited grace and possibilities that God has put inside of me. Becoming a woman walking in purpose. 

Join my community and be a part of the call to women empowerment. As we are supporting collabrating and cultivating our purpose driven life. 

Love & Light, 

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Benefits of joining WOMEN WALKING IN PURPOSE
  • This community is a safe place to be empowered for open conversations, cultivation and build confidence.

  • To identify and grow in purpose with like minded driven women.

  • To build the power of unity in sisterhood, prayer partners, revelation, education, recreational activities.

  • To support toward becoming a powerful woman walking in purpose.

  • Gain access to exclusive, community only content.

  • Participate in quest, meet ups, and events.

  • Join live streamed discussion/lessons from me and other guests.

  • Share your expertise, tips and advice to me and other women.

  • Ask me questions directly.

  • Connect with other wives, mothers, and other purpose driven women.

Women Walking in Purpose



Every month

* Includes MomFit*

Valid until canceled

A Supportive Sisterhood

Private 1 on 1 Mentorship

Confidence Coaching

Purpose Discovery Coaching

Connect with like minded women

Gain access to exclusive community only content

Event Discounts

Group Meetups and Sister Circles

Weekly Bible Study

Includes MomFit

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